Apun Ka Adda is a series featuring Modou Sougou, Rowllin Borges, Pratik Chaudhari, Amine Chermiti and Sarthak Golui from Mumbai City FC diving deep into their lives off the field!On Episode 4, Sougou, Pratik, Chermiti and Rowllin share their most treasured moments with #ApunKaTeam
Fondest memory at Mumbai City FC | Apun Ka Adda - Ep 4
Apun Ka Adda is a series featuring Modou Sougou, Rowllin Borges, Pratik Chaudhari, Amine Chermiti and Sarthak Golui from Mumbai City FC diving deep into their lives off the field!On Episode 4, Sougou, Pratik, Chermiti and Rowllin share their most treasured moments with #ApunKaTeam