It’s hard to get over someone who has been with you for years. For Daniel Levy and his Tottenham Hotspur though, it wasn’t really an uphill task as far as Mauricio Pochettino was concerned. Levy eventually proved out to be one of those cold-blooded species who you wouldn’t want to come across for the rest of your life. Tottenham splitting up with Mauricio Pochettino was brutal to eyes, even for the neutrals.
The two were together since 2014 and gulped everything that life threw at them. Even a romantic date in Wanda Metropolitano back in June was a testament to how long the couple had come over the years. The night, of course, didn’t go as per the plan, but curving out the positives from all those colourless moments is what life is all about.
Despite the negatives, the coupled travelled hand in hand and it was pleasing to the eyes. Little did the outsiders know that the intramural struggles were shallowing the happy relationship, and someone was already looking out for ‘a fresh breath of air’. There were suspicions, but having been together for so long, there wasn’t a concrete substance to what’s going to happen.
And then it happened!
The two decided to part ways after a string of pitiful tenure and that third-person, Jose Mourinho set fire to those happy memories. ‘I’ll be there for you,’ echoes once again in the ears and there started another fairy tale. The breakup though was painful, and despite having someone else in life, the blame-game was bound to occur.
But then, you know how ruthless the internet can be and we decided to join the bandwagon to help you chuckle a bit. We know there are troubles, but here, have a good laugh.
Speaking of blame games, media was bound to intervene, and ugly faces were bound to get captured.
That was some toss from Levy, right?
Seeing your loved one in arms with someone else hurt. We know that, you know that and now Pochettino knows that.
Ever thought how the neutrals would react? Well, here’s a glimpse.
Squaring off against your ex’s current can be hurtful. Believe me, it is!
Disagreements are a part and parcel of life and new-guy Mourinho needs to learn how to live with it.
Read: #MourinhoOut trending hours after his Tottenham appointment