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League of Legends Patch 14.10 release date and expected changes

League of Legends’ latest patch, Patch 14.9 was rolled out on May 1 as 2024 enters its mid part. The upcoming LoL Patch 14.10 is expected to be a game-changing update.
May 4, 2024

League of Legends gamers are eagerly waiting for the release of LoL Patch 14.10.

A patch is a modification to the game files of League of Legends. Every patch usually comprises a new game content - latest or remade items, skins and champions. 

It can also contain balance changes referring to changes made to even out the power balance between champions. A latest patch can also be rolled out with bug fixtures to rectify unusual behaviour in the game.

League of Legends’ latest patch, Patch 14.9 was rolled out on May 1 as 2024 enters its mid part. 

These LoL Patch 14.9 include Riot Games’  Vanguard anti-cheat software, the standout feature in the latest patch.

The software offers Riot a considerable chance at detecting cheaters. LoL Patch 14.9 also includes almost 30 changes across two dozen chosen champions and six items, including Janna, Bel’Veth, Seraphine, Master Yi, and Pyke. 

While the latest patch has been hugely successful, players are looking forward to LoL Patch 14.10.

LoL Patch 14.10 release date

League of Legends Patch 14.10 will be hitting the live servers on Wednesday, May 15, according to the official Riot Games schedule. This will be the 10th patch out of the 24 updates planned for 2024.

The upcoming LoL Patch 14.10 is expected to be a game-changing update and will mark the beginning of the second ranked split of the year. 

Riot Games usually schedule mid-season updates in preparation for the second half and as a result, gamers can expect major changes in LoL Patch 14.10.

LoL Patch 14.10 expected changes

League of Legends Patch 14.10 could include major updates. Developer and publisher Riot Games is looking to bring notable meta shifts to the bot lane.

The major systematic change to be introduced in LoL Patch 14.10 will be the comprehensive changes coming to AD carry itemization.

In the upcoming LoL Patch 14.10, two runes are being sunsetted with Predator and Lethal Tempo both being removed.

New runes like Absorb Life and Jack of All Trades will be introduced.

Apart from the rune changes and item updates, the second ranked split of the season will go live with Patch 14.10.

Additionally, the ranked rewards track will be refreshed and the gamer’s rank will be reset in anticipation of a new ranked climb. Split 2 will last approximately until sometime in September. 

New Faerie Court skins will also be introduced in LoL Patch 14.10.

In Patch 14.10, four champions are receiving Faerie Court skins: Lux, Lillia, Soraka, and Tristana. 

It must be noted that the buffs or nerfs might be subject to further changes in the upcoming days.

Photo credit: Alamy

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