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Casetoo holds prestigious honour of highest kills in Battlegrounds Mobile India

Casetoo and LoLzZz Gaming lead the charts for highest kills in BGMI.
February 7, 2024

Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI), which was previously known as PUBG Mobile India, is one of the most popular eSports games exclusive to India.

A Third-Person Shooter-First-Person Shooter survival game in which as many as 100 players compete in a battle royale, BGMI is a large-scale last man standing deathmatch where players fight for the honour of being the final one standing.

The basic objective in BGMI is to kill your opponents by shooting them down or any other means necessary to be the last player standing.

However, just a few kills can never suffice if one indeed wants to be the last man standings in the game since there are several other competitors trying to do the same with the maximum players at a given time being 100.

Hence, it’s safe to say that to win a round of BGMI, one will have to notch several kills in the double-digit region to become the winner.

This leads to an age-old question - well at least in the eSports community - as to who has the most or highest kills in BGMI. Here, we have a close look at the gamers who hold this honour as well as their kill count in a single game. 

Highest kill in BGMI

Aditya Sharma, also known as Casetoo in the gaming community, holds the distinction of having the highest kill in BGMI in a single match with a whopping 53 kills in a game.

Casetoo, in fact, had held the record for most kills for the longest time before another Indian gaming creator in Yash Thacker, known as LoLzZz Gaming, broke his record in September 2023. 

At the time, Casetoo was sitting on 51 kills but LoLzZz Gaming went one further by achieving 52 kills to stake claim to the title of being the gamer with the most kills in a single BGMI match.

However, LoLzZz Gaming’s record for the highest number of kills in a single match in Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) didn’t last long as Casetoo reclaimed the highest kill record in BGMI in India with 53 kills a few days later.

This tug of war between Casetoo and LoLzZz Gaming as they continue to push the boundaries has added a new dimension of excitement in the BGMI community with fans eagerly looking forward to the competition between these rivals.

BGMI fans can now look forward to the next chapter in this exciting rivalry as it has already been proven that the most kills record in BGMI is a title that can change hands in a flash.

Photo credit: Alamy

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