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Indian T20 League 2022: A Blockbuster in Making | Timeout with SportsAdda | Pandya • Samson |

Akhil and Arun are back with all the bytes for the ultimate finale. They talk about the captaincy approach of both finalists and make their predictions on who'll lift the trophy. Stand a chance to grab some super-amazing SportsAdda merchandise by participating in our contest. Do watch the whole video. Akhil and Arun are back with all the bytes for the ultimate finale. They talk about the captaincy approach of both finalists and make their predictions on who'll lift the trophy. Stand a chance to grab some super-amazing SportsAdda merchandise by participating in our contest. Do watch the whole video.
May 28, 2022

Akhil and Arun are back with all the bytes for the ultimate finale. They talk about the captaincy approach of both finalists and make their predictions on who'll lift the trophy. Stand a chance to grab some super-amazing SportsAdda merchandise by participating in our contest. Do watch the whole video.

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